Hey you. Yes, you. I hear you've been looking for me. I know you thought you had me before. But it wasn't me. Then you swore to never want me again. Why did you blame me for the pain I did not cause? Why am I being struck down because you saw me where I was absent, ignoring me in my very own essence? But I forgive you because you don't know me. You haven't seen me. You haven't felt me. Instead, what you have seen are frauds of me...misusing my name for comfort, abusing my name for personal gain and disguising as me in the name of lust. I am not infatuation. Please don't call me that; its an unworthy impersonator.
Those who really know me will tell you that I'm different, refreshing, honest and accomodating. I am unconditional, patient, kind...tolerant. I endure. I grow. I make your life better. I appreciate. I excite. I encourage. I am without conditions or stipulations. I am unquantifiable and beyond the value of money.
I am seeing another person for who and what they are, at their lowest, faults and all, and wanting them anyway. I am putting another person's interests above yours. I am crying together when times are bad and rejoicing together when times are good....but being there always. I am building another person up and never tearing them down. I am security. I am being able to go through life fearlessly because you know someone has your back at all times. I am knowing that the person will defend you against werewolves of life.
While I command for and encompass loyalty, compassion, happiness, forgiveness, companionship and sexual desire, standing alone, I am above them all. I am a force of nature...you can't dictate or predict my when, how or where. But when I come, I put all my impersonators to shame....you'll know the difference...you'll feel my authenticity. Because when I'm tested and when I'm real, I always win.
If you have me, you have a person in whom you see my definition. If you don't yet, be patient, I'll find you. And when I do, I'll always be there...forever being more than a word to you.
I AM love.
NwaVic – www.nwavic.blogspot.com | dearnwavic@gmail.com |Twitter & Instagram @nwavicesq
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