This blog was created to serve as an inspiration to all who read aspire, to love and to live a life of purpose.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Blessed Good Friday~ A Lesson in Sacrifice & Salvation

If you're a Christian, you know what today is....Good Friday. More so, you'd know its an incredibly important day for the Christian faith. It marks the start of what will become the lynchpin foundation upon which our faith is built. 
Today is the anniversary of Christ's death. Its a sad day but it prepared us for the celebration we'd witness on Easter because without it, God's display of His immense power won't have happened. It also marks the end of the Lenten season.

There are a two lessons we can take from today. 

First, it signifies the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. It reminds us that Christian life is not only about what God has done in our lives. It is also about what we can do for Him in return, even when its not convenient for us.  It was not convenient for Christ to die for us. Heck, its not convenient for any one to die, at all. In fact, it would have been more convenient for God to say the word and Jesus would have dropped dead while He was preaching. Rather, He made it so that He was captured, falsely testified against, persecuted, crucified, and made to die amongst thieves. That I can be sure was not convenient for God or for Jesus. Its a wake-up call to not only seek to receive favors and blessings from Him but to give...our time, our dedication and our praise.

Second, its a life lesson to all that before the celebration, always comes the darkness. At various times in our lives, we feel like our darkness will never go away. Like whatever it is we are going through will kill there's no way we could dig ourselves out of the hole. Hard times fall upon everyone at some point...and some of us, at many times in our lives. 

If you look closely at the pattern...{Good Friday=Darkness/Suffering/Death.....then Easter=Salvation/Joy/Life....}, God made clear centuries ago what He intended the lives of His followers to be....That darkness has to come before life....that suffering has to come before joy.....Most importantly, that no matter what we are going through, He will bring us out of it...just like He did His son. After all, its only through adversity that prosperity is born. Hang in there, He'll resurrect you too.
Also, say a special prayer today...Its a special day for answered prayers ;-)
...Have a blessed Good Friday! 

Stay inspired :-)

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