This blog was created to serve as an inspiration to all who read aspire, to love and to live a life of purpose.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Living in Grace- A Lesson in Faith

The following excerpt is from an article about the life of spiitual life coach Iyanla Vanzant published in Essence Magazine. It was basically about her struggles in life and how she found her answers by looking inwards. Its basically a lesson in keeping faith through the storm.  I loved it! Hope you do too :-)

So! Here's to you. No matter what you're going through, keep the faith.

"We have to do internal work; making sure our mind, heart and actions are all in alignment. Faith has a role to play in this, as it did for our ancestors. Faith is a sense of knowing that our lives are in the hands of sometime greater and bigger than we are. Faith comes when we know who we are in relationship to God and Spirit. We aren't broken by experiences in life when we have faith. We are not attached to outcomes when we have faith. We can face down the tornado, knowing that at the center of the storm, we will find peace and calm. We can endure the wind and the rains, the layoffs and the foreclosures, because we know that when we get to the center of the storm, we will get to the center of ourselves.....

Take some time, too, for reflection. Ask yourself: How much time am I willing to spend strengthening my inner landscape so that my outer landscape can reap the fruit of my work, my attention, my intention? Think about how much of what matters to you comes from within you and how much comes from the outside. Are you willing to let go of what no longer works for you to make room for the new? Do the work and your spirit will sustain you, taking you where you need to be."

Stay Inspired :-)


Cake and Socks said...

Rain in due season! Nne i am loving your blog :)

Princess R said...

Thank you :-)