Hello Everyone.
Happy Sunday! Hope you had a great weekend and for those of you, in the U.S. Happy Memorial Day. May your day off tomorrow be filled with delicious burgers, family, friends and laughter.
Came across this incredible article today in the Huffington Post. I couldn't have written it better myself. Very inspiring and you know me, anything that inspires me, is worth sharing... :-)
I hope this piece will inspire you as it has done me, to empower your life, knowing that the power to live a full and fulfilling life is within you.
The power of love is within you. You have access to it at all times. The power of love is soft and yielding, not addictive and stressful. In loving, difficulties dissolve, harshness melts and conflicts merge into the harmony of agreement and one accord.
With love, we achieve our heart's dreams and desires because we have more energy to move forward in our chosen direction, and the openness to receive the guidance, support and results we seek.
Loving attitudes and actions conquer fear. How? With a loving attitude you are free from the negativity that can cause you to feel trapped and isolated. With loving actions, you can direct negative energy into fulfilling a positive purpose or objective. Have you ever found that going running, cleaning the windows or doing yoga can lift your spirits?
Here are six foundational keys to empower yourself toward a fuller, richer all-round experience of your life. Right now, you have:
Power to Value Yourself
Think about who or what you treasure most in your world: your child, a pet, your business or vocation, for example. Look at the value they have for you. Are you aware of your own innate value? Who are you, deep down? What are your unique qualities, strengths and personal assets? How can you fully love and appreciate yourself to recognize your own value?
Think about who or what you treasure most in your world: your child, a pet, your business or vocation, for example. Look at the value they have for you. Are you aware of your own innate value? Who are you, deep down? What are your unique qualities, strengths and personal assets? How can you fully love and appreciate yourself to recognize your own value?
Power to Invest in Yourself
Look at the care you give to you. Do you eat well, get enough sleep, take time to nurture and refresh your spirit? How can you invest your love, time and money to promote, create and allow your greater health and well-being? Listen to how the loving spirit within you guides you now toward a richer life.
Look at the care you give to you. Do you eat well, get enough sleep, take time to nurture and refresh your spirit? How can you invest your love, time and money to promote, create and allow your greater health and well-being? Listen to how the loving spirit within you guides you now toward a richer life.
Power to Say No to Addiction and Other Limiting Behavior
Say yes to what works well for you and no to what does not. Embrace what you truly love and let go of what no longer serves you. Love your sweet spirit and treat yourself to kindness, compassion and empathy. Befor yourself.
Say yes to what works well for you and no to what does not. Embrace what you truly love and let go of what no longer serves you. Love your sweet spirit and treat yourself to kindness, compassion and empathy. Befor yourself.
Power to Forgive
To be forgiving can become a healthful habit that leads you to appreciate the larger picture, purpose and meaning of your life. Start with forgiving yourself. Find the power of love to direct acceptance and understanding toward yourself.
To be forgiving can become a healthful habit that leads you to appreciate the larger picture, purpose and meaning of your life. Start with forgiving yourself. Find the power of love to direct acceptance and understanding toward yourself.
Power to Be Grateful
Gratitude expands your awareness of the wealth you are and have to express. Start and end your day recalling at least five things you are grateful for: your home, your gifts and talents, your loved ones, the water you drink, the air you breathe, for example.
Gratitude expands your awareness of the wealth you are and have to express. Start and end your day recalling at least five things you are grateful for: your home, your gifts and talents, your loved ones, the water you drink, the air you breathe, for example.
Power to Celebrate Your Successes
Remember the small daily successes. They are the building blocks to your larger dreams and objectives being fulfilled. Praise yourself for what you achieve, not out of ego but out of the genuine appreciation for your commitment and effort.
Remember the small daily successes. They are the building blocks to your larger dreams and objectives being fulfilled. Praise yourself for what you achieve, not out of ego but out of the genuine appreciation for your commitment and effort.
The power to love is in your own heart and hands. Your power to love dissolves fear, doubt and separation. With love, you have the power to transform how you experience your life in simple, practical ways. Each day, you can take one action to live more powerfully and fearlessly.
Stay Inspired....
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