You and I know music is food for the soul, but not all music is good for all times. Come to think about it, even though a good amount of music is inspired by love, a good amount come from heartbreak. When you're going through a break-up, there's no need for sappy love songs. They'll only dig you deeper into the break-up rut. Empowering "I'll be okay" songs are what any love-doctor would prescribe.
Based on the love-doctor's prescription (not mine :-)), here's my list of top ten break-up songs that will inspire and empower you. They are all picker-uppers. So, listen and reminisce a bit with me, be reminded why you don't need him/her anymore, then move Cool.
10. CeeLoo Green- Forget You
Simply put, if you've ever been dumped because you're not cute/beautiful or rich enough, this hit is for you.
Lesson to Learn: If they'll leave you for "what" you're not, they don't deserve you and never did.
Favorite Line: "Sad, if I was richer, I'd still be with you. Now ain't that some shh. And although there's pain in my chest, I still wish you the best with a forget you."
Yes...F' them. And by that I mean, Forget them. ;-)
9. Carrie Underwood- Before He Cheats
If you've ever been cheated on and you just want to loose your mind and revenge, this song is for you....You can feel Carrie's pain, can't you?
Lesson to Learn: If you're considering violence as revenge, don't do it! Just listen and live vicariously through Carrie. He or she isn't worth you ending up in jail!
Favorite Line: "....the next time he cheats, it won't be me...oh no, it won't be me"
8. Kelly Clarkson~ Since You've Been Gone
I so love Kelly Clarkson! If you've ever felt "imprisoned" or "limited" in a relationship, this song is for you. Get out and breathe....
Lesson to Learn: Relationships should help you grow...if you can't breathe, you're being suffocated. Time to go.
Favorite Line: "You had your chance but your blew it......since you've been gone, I can breathe for the first time...I'm so moving on...yea yeah!"
7. Jewel- Stronger Woman
Not typically a country music-girl, but the lyrics to this one are powerful! And should be every woman's anthem; whether or not she's going through a break-up!
Lesson to Learn: Be strong...Love the kind of woman you want your daughter to be.
Lesson to Learn: Be strong...Love the kind of woman you want your daughter to be.
Favorite Lines: "I'm worn out from trying..From loving a man who always makes it clear I'm not welcome here, Just when he's hungry or frisky or needs something cleaned...I'm gonna love myself more than anyone else....Believe in me, even if someone can't see the stronger woman in me...Won't lose myself again, never, no,...Cause there's a stronger woman in me"
6. Justin Timberlake- Cry Me a River
Written after his break-up with Britney Spears, Justin croones for all who have been loved and left, then begged back. They made you cry for so long and the moment you find strength, they want you back. Smh. Too little too late.
Lesson to Learn: Before you take back an ex, think long and broke up for a reason, right?
Lesson to Learn: Before you take back an ex, think long and broke up for a reason, right?
Favorite Line: "Now, its your turn to cry. Cry me a river...the damage is done, so I guess I'll be leaving"
5. Kristina DeBarge- GoodBye
When its time to move on, this empowering song is just what you need. You'll be alright.
When its time to move on, this empowering song is just what you need. You'll be alright.
Lesson to Learn: Don't let anyone hold you back for their own selfish reasons.
Favorite Line: "I'm so over it, I've been there and back. I got that new 'I'm a single girl' na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"
4. 3LW- No More
An oldie but goodie...this song takes me back to high school. Loved it then, love it much more now.This is especially for those who have fallen for the player. They are just too smooth with their game.
Lesson to Learn: If he doesn't acknowledge you in front of his friends, he's not a serious chap.
Favorite Line: "You do, then you don't don't. You will, then you won't won't. No more. Baby I'ma do it right".
3. Pink ~ So What?
Sometimes when you're going through it or wondering how you'd ever move forward, you need to adopt Pink's 'brand new attitude'- "We broke up, so what!?!"
Lesson to Learn: Whoever you were before the relationship, you still are. He or she doesn't deserve to "change" you. You were awesome then and you still are! Rock on!
Favorite Line: "So so what? I'm still a rockstar. I got my rock moves and I don't need you. And guess what? I'm having more fun."
2. Adele- Someone Like You
On first listen, this song is depressing. But it earned a place on this list because it is the most "human". It connects you to your love and your pain and it acknowledges the good parts of the relationship and the person you were with. It allows you to reminsice "the glory days", yet it still gives hope for the future. Even though its hard to admit, you fell in love with the person for a reason and its that "thing" you loved, you want to find in someone else. Just without the heartbreak.
Lesson to Learn: You can allow yourself to hurt but then realize whatever good that person had, you can find someone better. You don't deserve "bittersweet", you deserve "sweetsweet".
Favorite line: "Nothing compares no worries or cares, regrets and mistakes, they are memories made..who would've known how bittersweet this would taste".
1. Beyonce- Irreplaceable
This song needs no introduction. One of Beyonce's biggest #1s, it is the 'feel good' break-up anthem of the 2000s! The lyrics speak for you.
Lesson to Learn: If he or she is not treating you right, send them "to the left, to the left".
Favorite Line: "Since I'm not your everything, why don't I be nothing, nothing at all for you."
There you go! Did I miss something that helped you get through your breakup? Let me know!
Have a great week!
Stay Inspired....
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